7 Tape Reel

How to choose the best 7 Tape Reel manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, and 7 Tape Reel factory? We have been leading manufacturing of 7 Tape Reel, factory located in Taiwan, as a professional manufacturer and exporter with an excellent reputation as well as reliability supplier. Our products contain various size...etc. If you were interested in our goods, please feel free to contact us. We supply to you in best price, quality.
Shop the best 7 Tape Reel, you need to know about the highest quality of 7 Tape Reel manufacturer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, OEM and ODM from a factory in Taiwan. We provide the best quality and diversity of

7 Tape Reel

with reasonable prices. We hope that our customers will find our company products satisfying. If you are interested in our products or you have any questions regarding our products, please feel free to contact us.
  • 7 Tape Reel - 1-2-4,GM-07D-X
7 Tape Reel
Model - 1-2-4,GM-07D-X
Flange Diameter: 7 Inch (178MM)
Tape Width: 12,16MM
Inner Core: 60MM
Shaft: 13MM
Forming Type: One-piece injection.
  1. Material: HIPS
  2. Color: White,Black,Blue &Customized. 
  3. Electrical Properties: Antistatic, Conductive or Non-antistatic.
  4. High quality and competitive prices
  5. Origin: Taiwan
  6. Weight: 60g
The normal 7-inch plastic reel is the most widely used reel of all kinds of active and passive components.
Plastic reels of various weights are available according to the customer's product protection requirements.
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